2005 |
Project Thesis:
A Graphical User Interface for Transaction-based DOM-Navigation
Juliane Neumann, December 2005
Diploma Thesis:
Storage Structures for Native XML Database Management Systems
Markus Wagner, September 2005
Diploma Thesis:
XTCedit: Teamwork-Support with XML Database Management Systems
Burkhard Schäfer, June 2005
Seminar: Data Streams
Stream-processing with conventional Database Management Systems
Christian Rensch, June 2005
Diploma Thesis:
Locking Protocols in XML Database Management Systems
Konstantin Luttenberger, April 2005
Project Thesis:
The Dewey Decimal Classification in XML Database Management Systems
Markus Wagner, March 2005
2004 |
Diploma Thesis:
Application Programming Interfaces for XML Database Management Systems
Christian Mathis, September 2004
Diploma Thesis:
Concurrency Control Drawbacks Processing XML Documents in Relational Database Management Systems
Helmut Pharo, August 2004
Seminar: Principles of Web-based Information Systems
Introduction to Web-based Information Systems
Golo Haas, June 2004
Seminar: Principles of Web-based Information Systems
Transactions in Webservice- and Grid-Environments
Thomas Jörg, June 2004
Diploma Thesis:
Parallel processing enhancements by fine-grained synchronization on XML documents
Michael Kleinhenz, May 2004
Diploma Thesis:
XTCrelationalAPI - Realization of a relational interface with XML database systems
Oliver Zendel, May 2004
Seminar: Business Intelligence - Part 2: Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
Web Mining und Farming
Shenwei Song, February 2003
2003 |
Project Thesis:
Experiment Management for Thermodynamic Experiments
Michael Manternach, October 2003
Diploma Thesis:
taDOM: Synchronization for XML Documents - Implementation and Evaluation
Georges Berscheid, September 2003
Seminar: Business Intelligence - Part 1: OLAP & Data Warehousing
Data Preprocessing I
Christian Merker, June 2003
Seminar: Business Intelligence - Part 1: OLAP & Data Warehousing
Data Preprocessing II
Sabine Queckbörner, July 2003 (supervised in collaboration with Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Marder)
Diploma Thesis:
Data and Information Management for Virtual Laboratories in Environmental Engineering Domains
Alexander Hilliger von Thile, July 2003 (supervised in collaboration with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Deßloch)
Diploma Thesis:
Data and Information Management for Virtual Laboratories in Chemical Process Engineering Domains
Jürgen Göres, July 2003 (supervised in collaboration with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Deßloch)
Seminar: XML and Databases
Storing XML in (Object-) Relational Database Systems
Burkhard Schäfer, February 2003
Seminar: XML and Databases
XML Processing Models and Language Bindings
Christian Müller, January 2003
in English
in German