Events |
Marder, U.: "Multimedia-Metacomputing in Web-basierten multimedialen Informationssystemen"
Talk at: University of Kaiserslautern, December 13th, 2002.
Lindner, W.: "Konzepte für ein offenes,
objektrelationales Multimedia-Datenbanksystem"
Talk at: SFB 501 Kolloquium, University of
Kaiserslautern, June
13th, 2002.
Marder, U., and Lindner, W.: "Erweiterte Anfragemöglichkeiten
in Digitalen Bibliotheken durch ORDBMS-basiertes Metacomputing"
Talk at: 7th Meeting of the MMIS-Group, University of Bayreuth, Feb. 14-15, 2002.
Slides. 2001
Marder, U.: "Multimedia Metacomputing"
Talk at: 7th Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems
(MIS2001), Capri, Italy,
November 7-9, 2001. Slides
(including author's notes).
Marder, U., and Kovse, J.: "Multimedia Metacomputing"
Talk at: DB-Group Meeting (Universities of Bamberg, Dresden, Erlangen,
Kaiserslautern, and Stuttgart), Erlangen (Kleedorf), July 30th - August
2001. Slides.
Marder, U.: "VirtualMedia - Transformationsunabhängigkeit
für Multimediasysteme"
Talk at: University of Rostock, Fachbereich Informatik, Graduiertenkolleg 466 "Verarbeitung,
Verwaltung, Darstellung und Transfer multimedialer Daten - technische Grundlagen
und gesellschaftliche Implikationen", May 8th,
2001. Slides.
Marder, U.: "Die MMIS-Group-Referenzarchitektur"
Panel at: 6th Meeting of the MMIS-Group, Dresden University of
Technology, Fak. Informatik, Database Group, March 15-16, 2001. Slides
Panelists: H. Berthold, F. Binkowski, B. Keller, W. Lindner, A. Märcz, K.
Meyer-Wegener, and G. Robbert.
Marder, U.: "On Realizing
Transformation Independence in Open, Distributed Multimedia Information Systems"
(talk in german)
Talk at: 9th GI-Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und
Wissenschaft" (BTW '01,
Oldenburg, March 7-9, 2001), March 9th, 2001.
Marder, U.: "Eine Schichtenarchitektur für ein globales, verteiltes,
Web-basiertes multimediales Informationssystem"
(in german)
Panel at: 5th Meeting of the MMIS-Group, GMD IPSI,
Darmstadt, Sept. 14th, 2000.
Panelists: H. Berthold, F. Binkowski, A. Henrich, S. Hollfelder, K.
Meyer-Wegener, and G. Robbert.
Marder, U.: "VirtualMedia: Making Multimedia Databases Fit for World-wide
Talk at: EDBT 2000 Ph. D. Workshop, Konstanz,
Germany, March 31st, 2000. Slides.
Marder, U.: "The VirtualMedia Model"
Talk at: 4th Meeting of the MMIS-Group, University of Kaiserslautern, FB Informatik, AG Databases and Information Systems
(DBIS), March 24th, 2000.
Marder, U.: "VirtualMedia - Aktueller Stand"
(in german)
Talk at: 3rd Meeting of the MMIS-Group, University of Bamberg, Fak. Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Professur für
Praktische Informatik, Sept. 28th, 1999.
Marder, U.: "Improving the Performance of Media Servers Providing Physical Data
Independence - Problems, Concepts, and Challenges"
Talk at: Seminar 99351
"Multimedia Database Support for Digital Libraries", Schloss Dagstuhl, Sept. 1st,
1999. Abstract.
Marder, U.: "Medienspezifische Datentypen für objekt-relationale DBMS:
Abstraktionen und Konzepte" (in german)
Talk at: 2nd Meeting of the MMIS-Group, Dresden University of
Technology, Fak. Informatik, Database Group, March 29th, 1999.
Marder, U.: "Medienspezifische Datentypen für objekt-relationale DBMS:
Abstraktionen und Konzepte" (in german)
Talk at: 8th GI-Fachtagung "Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik und
Wissenschaft" (BTW '99, Freiburg, March 1-3, 1999), March 2nd, 1999.
Marder, U.: "VirtualMedia - Neue Ideen zum MADT-Konzept"
(in german)
Talk at: 1st Meeting of the MMIS-Group, University of
Kaiserslautern, FB Informatik, AG Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Sept. 30th,
Marder, U.: "Von MOSS zu VirtualMedia" (in german)
Talk at: University of Kaiserslautern, FB Informatik, AG Databases and Information Systems
(DBIS), May 15th, 1998.