 | Use Case 28: | Node Operation insertBefore(contextNode, siblingType, siblingValue) returns Node |
| The insertBefore operation is executed on the context element node CO and inserts a new previous sibling node before the context node CO. There does not exist a previous sibling, so the context element node was the first child of the parent node PA and the inserted new sibling node (the new first child of PA) is returned.
- This operation can be executed on an element context node
- This operation can be executed on an text context node
| Scenario 28-1 for taDOM2 Lock Requests: | Node | Lock | PSE | NSE | FCE | LCE |
CO | NR | EX | - | - | - |
CN | NR | - | - | - | - |
PA | CX | - | - | EX | - |
Scenario 28-2 for taDOM2+ Lock Requests: | Node | Lock | PSE | NSE | FCE | LCE |
CO | NR | EX | - | - | - |
CN | NR | - | - | - | - |
PA | CX | - | - | EX | - |
Scenario 28-3 for taDOM3 Lock Requests: | Node | Lock | PSE | NSE | FCE | LCE |
CO | NR | EX | - | - | - |
PA | CX | - | - | EX | - |
Scenario 28-4 for taDOM3+ Lock Requests: | Node | Lock | PSE | NSE | FCE | LCE |
CO | NR | EX | - | - | - |
PA | CX | - | - | EX | - |
| Operation behavior described with base operations:- readCO
- modifyCOPSE
- modifyPAFCE
Read Set = CO , Write Set = PAFCE COPSE
This operation can be executed on the following nodes:If this operation is executed the following nodes are existing: |