Node Operation | Description | Check | |
0-taDOM3+ | Operation getNode(DeweyID) returns Node The getNode operation returns the context node CO addressed by the passed deweyID. | Ok |  |
1-taDOM3+ | Operation getParentNode(contextNode) returns Node The getParentNode operation returns the parent node PA of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
2-taDOM3+ | Operation getPrevSibling(contextNode) returns Node The getPrevSibling operation returns the previous sibling node PS of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
3-taDOM3+ | Operation getPrevSibling(contextNode) returns null value The getPrevSibling operation returns null because the context node CO is the first child of parent node PA and no previous sibling node PS exists. | Ok |  |
4-taDOM3+ | Operation getNextSibling(contextNode) returns Node The getNextSibling operation returns the next sibling node NS of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
5-taDOM3+ | Operation getNextSibling(contextNode) returns null value The getNextSibling operation returns null because the context node CO is the last child of parent node PA and no next sibling node NS exists. | Ok |  |
6-taDOM3+ | Operation getFirstChild(contextElementNode) returns Node The getFirstChild operation returns the first child FC of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
7-taDOM3+ | Operation getFirstChild(contextElementNode) returns null value The getFirstChild operation returns null because the context node CO does not have any child nodes. | Ok |  |
8-taDOM3+ | Operation getLastChild(contextElementNode) returns Node The getLastChild operation returns the last child LC of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
9-taDOM3+ | Operation getLastChild(contextElementNode) returns null value The getLastChild operation returns null because the context node CO does not have any child nodes. | Ok |  |
10-taDOM3+ | Operation getChildNodes(contextElementNode) returns Nodelist The getChildNodes operation returns a node list with all child nodes of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
11-taDOM3+ | Operation getFragment(contextNode) returns Nodelist The getFragmentNodes operation returns a node list with all descendant nodes of the context node CO. | Ok |  |
12-taDOM3+ | Operation getValue(contextElementNode) returns Node The getValue operation executed on an element context node returns the context node itself that represents the value. | Ok |  |
13-taDOM3+ | Operation getValue(contextTextNode) returns Node The getValue operation executed on a text context node returns the string node CS appended to the text node that represents the actual node value. | Ok |  |
14-taDOM3+ | Operation getValue(contextAttrNode) returns Node The getValue operation executed on the attribute context node CA of an arbitrary element node CO returns the string node AS appended to the attribute node that represents the actual node value. | Ok |  |
15-taDOM3+ | Operation getAttribute(contextElementNode, ctxAttrNameString) returns Node The getAttribute operation executed on the context element node CO returns the context attribute node CA with the passed attribute name. | Ok |  |
16-taDOM3+ | Operation getAttributes(contextElementNode) returns Nodelist The getAttributes operation executed on the context element node CO returns a list of all attribute nodes of the context element. | Ok |  |
17-taDOM3+ | Operation setValue(contextElementNode, valueString) returns Node The setValue operation executed on the context element node CO returns the modified context element itself. In taDOM2(+) the CX lock on PA must be requested additionally in order to prevent an execution of the getChildNodes() method on the parent node. | Ok |  |
18-taDOM3+ | Operation setValue(contextTextNode, valueString) returns Node The setValue operation executed on the context text node CO returns the modified context string node CS which contains the actual node value. | Ok |  |
19-taDOM3+ | Operation setValue(contextAttrNode, valueString) returns Node The setValue operation executed on the context attribute node CA returns the modified attribute string node AS which contains the actual node value. | Ok |  |
20-taDOM3+ | Operation setAttribute(contextElementNode, ctxAttrNameString, valueString) returns Node The setAttribute operation is executed on the context element node CO and sets a new value of the context attribute node CA. The named context attribute already exists and the operation returns the value node AS. | Ok |  |
21-taDOM3+ | Operation setAttribute(contextElementNode, ctxAttrNameString, valueString) returns Node The setAttribute operation is executed on the context element node CO and sets a new value of the context attribute node CA. The named context attribute does not already exist and must be created. The operation returns the new value node AS. | Ok |  |
22-taDOM3+ | Operation renameAttribute(contextElementNode, ctxAttrOldNameString, ctxAttrNewNameString) returns Node The renameAttribute operation is executed on the context element node CO and renames the context attribute CA with the passed old name to the passed new name. In taDOM2(+) the CX lock on AR must be requested additionally in order to prevent an execution of the getAttributes() method on the context node. The operation returns the rename attribute node CA. | Ok |  |
23-taDOM3+ | Operation appendChild(contextElementNode, childType, childValue) returns Node The appendChild operation is executed on the context element node CO and appends a new child to the (at least one) already existing child nodes. The CX resp. NRCX lock on the context node is caused by the SX lock on the new child. The new appended child node (the new last child) is returned. | Ok |  |
24-taDOM3+ | Operation appendChild(contextElementNode, childType, childValue) returns Node The appendChild operation is executed on the context element node CO and appends a new child. The context element node CO has still no child nodes before this operation. The CX resp. NRCX lock on the context node is caused by the SX lock on the new child.The new appended child node (the now only child) is returned. | Ok |  |
25-taDOM3+ | Operation prependChild(contextElementNode, childType, childValue) returns Node The prependChild operation is executed on the context element node CO and prepends a new child to the (at least one) already existing child nodes. The CX lock on the context node is caused by the SX lock on the new child. The new prepended child node (the new first child) is returned. | Ok |  |
26-taDOM3+ | Operation prependChild(contextElementNode, childType, childValue) returns Node The prependChild operation is executed on the context element node CO and prepends a new child. The context element node CO has still no child nodes before this operation. The CX resp. NRCX lock on the context node is caused by the SX lock on the new child. The new prepended child node (the now only child) is returned. | Ok |  |
27-taDOM3+ | Operation insertBefore(contextNode, siblingType, siblingValue) returns Node The insertBefore operation is executed on the context element node CO and inserts a new previous sibling node before the context node CO. There already exists a previous sibling and the inserted new sibling node is returned. | Ok |  |
28-taDOM3+ | Operation insertBefore(contextNode, siblingType, siblingValue) returns Node The insertBefore operation is executed on the context element node CO and inserts a new previous sibling node before the context node CO. There does not exist a previous sibling, so the context element node was the first child of the parent node PA and the inserted new sibling node (the new first child of PA) is returned. | Ok |  |
29-taDOM3+ | Operation insertAfter(contextNode, siblingType, siblingValue) returns Node The insertAfter operation is executed on the context element node CO and inserts a new next sibling node after the context node CO. There already exists a next sibling and the inserted new sibling node is returned. | Ok |  |
30-taDOM3+ | Operation insertAfter(contextNode, siblingType, siblingValue) returns Node The insertAfter operation is executed on the context element node CO and inserts a new next sibling node after the context node CO. There does not exist a next sibling, so the context element node was the last child of the parent node PA and the inserted new sibling node (the new last child of PA) is returned. | Ok |  |
31-taDOM3+ | Operation deleteNode(contextNode) returns nothing The deleteNode operation is executed on the context element node CO (an arbitrary child of PA) and deletes the context node. Previous and next sibling nodes are existing. | Ok |  |
32-taDOM3+ | Operation deleteNode(contextNode) returns nothing The deleteNode operation is executed on the context element node CO and deletes the context node. Thereby, the context node is the first child of its parent node. | Ok |  |
33-taDOM3+ | Operation deleteNode(contextNode) returns nothing The deleteNode operation is executed on the context element node CO and deletes the context node. Thereby, the context node is the last child of its parent node. | Ok |  |
34-taDOM3+ | Operation deleteNode(contextNode) returns nothing The deleteNode operation is executed on the context element node CO and deletes the context node. Thereby, the context node is the only child of its parent node. | Ok |  |
35-taDOM3+ | Operation deleteNode(contextNode) returns nothing The deleteNode operation is executed on the context attribute node CA and deletes the complete attribute. | Ok |  |