Test Case taDOM3+/19-taDOM3+-31-PS
taDOM3+ Lock Requests of executed Operation setValue(contextAttrNode, valueString) returns NodeThe setValue operation executed on the context attribute node CA returns the modified attribute string node AS which contains the actual node value.
Behavior specified with base operations:Read Set = CA , Write Set = AS - LockRequest[node=CA,lock:NR,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-]
- LockRequest[node=AS,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-]
taDOM3+ Lock Requests of checked Operation deleteNode(contextNode) executed on node PSThe deleteNode operation is executed on the context element node CO (an arbitrary child of PA) and deletes the context node. Previous and next sibling nodes are existing.
Bahavior specified with base operations:- modifyPSNSE
- modifyNSPSE
- writeCO
- writeFC
- writeCH
- writeLC
- writeDC
Read and write sets for execution on PS:Read Set = , Write Set = PS COPSE - LockRequest[node=CO,lock:SX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS
- LockRequest[node=PS,lock:-,PSE:-,NSE:EX,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS
- LockRequest[node=NS,lock:-,PSE:EX,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS
Operations must be compatibleCheck | Existing LockRequest[node=CA,lock:NR,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=CO,lock:SX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS | Requested lock IX on AC compatible to existing lock IR. Requested lock CX on PA compatible to existing lock IR.
| Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=CA,lock:NR,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=PS,lock:-,PSE:-,NSE:EX,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS | | Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=CA,lock:NR,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=NS,lock:-,PSE:EX,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS | | Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=AS,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=CO,lock:SX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS | Requested lock IX on AC compatible to existing lock IX. Requested lock CX on PA compatible to existing lock IX.
| Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=AS,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=PS,lock:-,PSE:-,NSE:EX,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS | | Compatible | Check | Existing LockRequest[node=AS,lock:NX,PSE:-,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] with Requested LockRequest[node=NS,lock:-,PSE:EX,NSE:-,FCE:-,LCE:-] on PS | | Compatible | Test Case Ok |